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User Sense

Create accounts for your own testers

Learn how to create accounts for your own testers.

How to create tester accounts

Before you can schedule testers for a study, you may need to create a tester account. This can be done manually or by importing testers in bulk.

Adding testers manually

You can add testers to your account by following the steps below:

  1. Login to the website
  2. Open the 'Testers' tab
  3. Click on 'Invite
  4. Fill in the required details
  5. Click on 'Save

Don't have all the details at hand? Then you can also fill in fake data. However, we recommend making sure the name and language are setup correctly as this influences the confirmation emails that testers receive.

Import in bulk

Adding large numbers of testers? Then use the option to add testers in bulk. You do this using the steps below:

  1. Login to the website
  2. Open the 'Testers' tab
  3. Click on 'Bulk import
  4. Upload the CSV file (download template here)
  5. Click on save

What communication takes place after creating an account?

Testers receive an e-mail stating that an account has been created for them and that they are invited to participate in a study. Testers are asked to activate the account by confirming their e-mail address.

When to create tester account or link

Type Tester account needed? Participation link? Participation via
Session with recordings Yes Not yet possible

Browser for PC

Mobile app for mobile phones

App or software for all sessions without an interviewer

Session without recordings No* Yes, upon request Browser

* For unmoderated user tests without recordings, the websites are loaded in an iFrame. If this is blocked, this can be bypassed by running the test via the User Sense software. In this case, however, an account is required.